Decorator Pattern:
suppose you want to have burgers with your friends The burger cost you $4 //initial price with initial burger structure or basic price basic burger structure but you want to add some extra things like , cheese , sauce , meat etc here is a condition if you add extra addons then you have to pay extra charge for them This pattern is basically decorator design pattern It’s still a burger but it requires some extra price to decorate.
// interface
// interface allows you to specify what methods a class should implement.
interface FoodItem
public function cost();
// This is our basic burger class
class Burger implements FoodItem
public function cost()
return 4;
// Now decorate with cheese
class Cheese implements FoodItem
private $item; //private property item for Chess class
public function __construct(FoodItem $item) //construct method for Chess class
$this->item = $item; //this will set the value of item according to constructor paramenter
public function cost()
// $this->item ; //this line means item is a instance of a class setted by constructor
// $this->item->cost() ;//targeting cost() method which is define in FoodItem Interface
// and implements by Burger Class for Basic Burger price
// return $this->item->cost() ; //this line burger instance cost() method
return $this->item->cost() + 5; //now the value of burger instance is 4+5=9 from Cheese class instance
class Meat implements FoodItem{
private $item ;
private $meatPrice = 8 ;
public function __construct(FoodItem $item)
$this->item = $item ;
public function cost(){
//burger instance cost + meat price
return $this->item->cost() + $this->meatPrice ;
$b = new Burger() ; //creating basic berger instance
echo $b->cost() ; // getting value from cost() method in Burger class
echo "\n" ;
// $c = new Cheese() ; //Cheese class contruct demanding an argument
$c = new Cheese($b) ; //now we are setting Burger class instance b as parameter
echo $c->cost(); // c->cost() will return Cheese class instance cost() method total cost of basic burger + cheese
echo "\n" ;
$m = new Meat($b) ;
echo $m->cost() ;
echo "\n" ;
$c_and_m = new Meat($c) ;
echo $c_and_m->cost() ;
echo "\n" ;